Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Cats 

Cats around the world suddenly go completely wild. 
A modern classic! 

The Royal Palm

Dave Brubeck a few years before his Time-Out days 
plays with his quartet (including Desmond) 
at the bar in a Miami Beach Hotel. 
The pool band includes a young Bob Marley. 
Brubeck enjoying the cool rhythms of the pool band befriends Marley. 
The show follows Marley and Brubeck palling around the late 50's 
Cuba influenced Miami Beach 

The Out of Towners

The picture begins in a NYC Subway: 
An elderly couple with new purchases from Brooks Brothers stare into space. 
The man looks at the packaging and says: 
Curious Logo 
His wife continues to stare into space
End of Scene 1 --  Begin Opening Credits


Breathing will now be regulated in New York by the end of 2027.
Exhalations will be free 
Inhalations for NY residents will be processed at a rate of $.025 per breath by 
All Inhalations are free for children under the age of 12 and senior citizens with 
at least one top 40 Single writing or performing credit.


The film takes place in a small restaurant.
The picture opens with the owner (an Indian Jazz musician) 
explaining to a dissatisfied customer that 
Cumin with Peanut Butter is an "acquired" taste.

The Subterranean Deli Ring 
3 guys walk into a deli and purchase three packs of gum. 
One guy asks the clerk : 
Is it okay if we keep it after you close? 
End of Scene : 
Black Screen : 
Fade into same 3 guys on a submarine. 

The Phone Call 
A middle-aged man sits in a small library type room. The phone rings several times before he gets up from his chair and book, places his reading glasses on a marble table 
and walks over to the telephone. The caller hangs up.

Throughout the remainder of the films 120 minutes the phone rings an additional 50 times (164 rings in all) with the caller always hanging up and the middle aged man always responding from different positions in the room.